Friday, October 7, 2011

Hardwood Flooring

While hardwood floors provide several unique comforts, maintaining them poses some unique challenges that you wouldn't have to deal with if you just had carpet.  I knew from the start that I would need to protect my floors from the furniture on top of them, so I went to Home Depot for some supplies.

I was hoping to find some furniture pads for the tables, chairs, desks, etc. that I was moving into the house.  The depot had a couple of different varieties of felt pad (in all different shapes and sizes) - one you could hammer into a wooden surface and another that just rested between the furniture and the floor.  Since we have almost entirely wooden furniture, I opted for the type you can hammer in.  (See the pic below.)

I later found out that our computer desk chair was putting some light scrapes on the floor.  This is because normal computer chair casters are made of a hard plastic that tends to slide more than roll.  The caster is drug across the floor, and you get scuffs.  This time I went to Amazon and got a package of five polyurethane casters that both roll better and provide a softer contact point.  (See the pic below - new on the left and old on the right.)

In summary, if you want to keep your hardwood floor in good condition, you need to take the proper precautions before you start using the furniture it comes in contact with.


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